What is the CNTRL Module?

The CNTRL Module is our new solution to access your MRI and CT systems remotely. Developed from the growing demand for our remote services and computer expertise. Our goal is to reduce your downtime by providing you with all your systems information on a simple to read web-based dashboard. What if you could respond to a system problem as soon as it occurs? What if you could know about a system problem before your customer contacts you? What if your system could be repaired remotely? These questions pushed the development of a new Remote System Support solution. Traditional service methods rely on phone communication until the service provider can arrive to begin diagnosing, in most cases can take several hours. If parts or components are needed, this easily adds more hours or days until your system is repaired. The CNTRL Module and its software are designed to retrieve live system data and monitor your magnet 24/7. We have also programmed an SMS Alert system to notify you of any magnet alarms. All this information is available at your fingertips to have real transparency of the status and health of your system.


The CNTRL Module gives service companies, engineers, and system owners a new tool to immediately provide support to their customers. We have digitized our knowledge into a program that gives you immediate access to your system’s status when needed. We take pride in how simple it is to install and integrate the CNTRL Module with your system. While other equipment requires you to replace or modify your magnet monitor, our solution works with your existing magnet monitor to relay information to your systems dashboard. Once our Module is installed, you will have complete CNTRL of your site to improve system downtime.


With the demand for mobile systems rising, there also comes the need to improve your magnet monitoring during transportation. With the CNTRL Module in place, you can avoid losing cryogens by watching live stats via your CNTRL Panel Dashboard. Know your magnet’s pressure and its helium level before and after transportation. With our System Support Services, you can view when your system comes online through our status indicators displayed on your CNTRL Panel Dashboard. Have peace of mind in knowing that your mobile is delivered safely and ready to scan.

©Master CNTRL Program

The MCP is our first-generation program of Remote System Support. The main function of our program is to interact with the system’s software as though we are on site. This access to the systems service browser, allows us to perform live diagnostics remotely to improve downtime and expedite repairs. Choosing to install our CNTRL Module, will allow us to be onsite with you to assist with more complicated problems.n

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